The                        body                 achieves                        what                         the                      mind                  believes

*Love yourself right where you are & talk to yourself positively

*Drink half your body weight in ounces of pure water a day with minerals added if your water doesn't have them (one piece of celtic salt on your tongue, let it dissolve, & then drink your water is a great way to get minerals). Sometimes I will also add fresh lemon. I drink water as soon as I wake up, and don't drink with my food... I don't drink water at least 30 minutes before I eat, & wait an hour to an hour and a half at least after I eat...helps hugely with digestion, & nutrient absorption. It's easier than you think once you start doing it...stay's one of the most important things you will do for your body. 

*Get enough good healthy sources of protein for your body when you eat...I personally try for 100 grams of protein a day, for most women I personally think this is a great number for most. At the least, I would try for 30 grams of healthy protein when you eat. Without enough good protein, your body cannot build & maintain muscle. Getting enough healthy protein, fiber, & healthy fats are a huge thing and will keep you fuller basically becomes almost impossible to overeat. I drink my protein coffee in the morning & then eat two healthy meals 4-6 hours apart. I don't snack in between very often...I don't need to because I stay full.  

*Get fiber when you eat preferably at least 20-30 grams a day & whenever possible, try & eat your fiber first

*Get healthy fats such as...avocado, coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil, MCT oil, nuts & seeds

*Find your favorite exercises you can be consistent with...mine are... walking, rebounder, yoga (this one I love to do right before I go to bed), Betty Rocker 90 day, dancing, Svelte Training (search on youtube), vibration plate or vibration plate. I have done many different exercises through the years...the key is consistency, and finding something you love. 

*Exercise you know what I mean by this? I mean not being excessive & overdoing which puts your body in a stress mode & can lead to weight gain and/or injuries. Plus, you want to do exercises you get excited about & can be consistent with, consistency is the key. Exercising smart is one of the best things you can do for yourself along with learning to listen to what your body needs...Adjust exercises as needed....LISTEN TO YOUR BODY...Compare yourself to only yourself. Love yourself right where you are. You can do anything you decide you want to do.

In 2020 into 2022, age 45-47, I had gained 20 pounds for the first time in my life without being pregnant (the picture on the top of this page is before I lost 20 pounds. But let's talk about weight...the scale doesn't matter as much as how you feel & your muscle tone.  Putting healthy things in & on your body & smart exercise in my opinion are way more important than a number on a scale). I have since consistently exercised at least 10-30 minutes...sometimes up to an hour at most. I jump on my rebounder 10-30 minutes in the winter as Utah winters are too cold for me, or go on my 2.6 mile walk in warmer weather, which takes me 30 minutes after dinner.  I also added in a full body yin yoga  at night before I go to bed...It's amazing & so relaxing. If I don't have time for my yoga at night, I still do some quick stretches.  I love to dance also...whenever we have an event in our back yard like a wedding or the yearly fireworks, I dance much that when we had everyone over July 2023, my brother told me I dance like nobody is watching...that's how I've chosen to do my life since July of 2022...Dance Like Nobody is watching... it's an amazing place to be. I am 49, I've had nine babies including twins and am in the best shape of my life.  Rebounders are awesome to do at least once a week.... Did you know that the two top ways to circulate your lymph system is by jumping & laughing?  Our bodies are amazing when we give them what they need and yourself & live your best & healthiest life. Check out this body roller for's awesome rolling on your back down your spine also.

Benefits of smart exercise...

*increases oxygen in your body

*reduces stress

*boosts happiness

*reduces inflammation

*strengthens muscles

*weight control

*lowers blood pressure

*reduces risk of heart disease

*helps you sleep better

*energy boost

*increases strength & flexibility

*improves memory

*increases self confidence

*helps you live longer

*less susceptible to disease

If you struggle with drinking sugary drinks, try out my favorite favorite root beer, orange, & peach....instead of soda/pop, these are great alternatives for your kids. There are many different flavors to choose from.

I get my hair trimmed every three months. I rarely use a blow dryer or any heat on my hair. The curls in this picture were done by no heat curls. I do a deep hair treatment at least once a week and leave on my hair & scalp as long as I have time to. Always a little castor oil mixed with either argan, amla, grapeseed, black seed, or marula.  My favorite essential oils for hair & the ones I mix in are peppermint & rosemary essential oil.


This is me at 45, with my 1st grandchild.  It took me awhile years ago to find a makeup that I would use.  I don't wear a lot, but I refuse to use the junky chemical products that I believe shouldn't even be sold much less used.  Click here to see the company that I trust...they have more than just makeup...they have nontoxic nail polish, body products, hair, face, etc.  I love this company.... For natural skin care I also love these products & these products. Get the Yuka app to scan & check your products & food & drinks. 

This is what I use for our handsoap...I just get the reusable foam pumps and do about 3/4 purified water and 1/4 Castile Soap... optional to add some drops of essential oils... You can also order Dr. Bronners straight from their site.

Here is what I am using on my face... In the morning, I use alcohol free witch hazel on a cotton round & clean my face & neck. Next I use a moisturizer, here are my favorite carrier oils I get from my favorite oil company. Rosehip, black seed, grapeseed, safflower, seabuckthorn (use very moderately... a drop or two & mix with another carrier oil), and whichever one I use I add about 3 drops of castor oil to, blend in my hands evenly & apply. Essential oils I alternate are... rose, carrot seed, geranium, frankincense sacra, & coffee. Make sure not to get essential oils in your careful when putting close to eyes.  

At night, I use an oil cleanser (Mad Hippie or Safflower), then I clean my face with Dr. Dr. Bronner's peppermint sugar soap. There is also a baby mild sugar soap.  You can buy those straight from Dr. Bronner's website also, & get a variety here. Then I apply one of my favorite carrier oils above with 3 drops of castor oil. I then use castor oil all around my eyes & on my eyebrows & eyelashes every nightCastor oil is safe for eyes, and in fact is used dry eyes, eye infections, cataracts, strengthens & helps hair grow including eyelashes & eyebrows, dark circles & under eye wrinkles.  

My teenagers use this same face care but because their skin is more acne prone, they use safflower, grapeseed, & also add the castor oil the same as I do.

If you are still using the toxic deodorants/anti-perspirants, please look here for some of the best natural you can get. I also spray magnesium oil on my armpits, bottoms of feet, & stomach right before I go to sleep. This not only makes you not stink but increases your magnesium levels. 

See my anti-aging detox face mask here.

Anti-frizz/smoother/glosser spray for hair

2 TBS aloe vera gel

1-2 tsp fractionated coconut oil or argan oil or grapeseed oil (depending on what type of hair you have)

1/2 cup rosewater

optional...10 drops rosemary essential oil, 10 drops peppermint essential oil

Mix evenly & pour into reusable spray bottle.  Use on newly washed hair or dry when needed... my hair is past the bottom of my back.  Before using this, I couldn't have my hair down for more than an hour or two, now I can have it down as long as I want, with way less tangle.  An added benefit is the ingredients are really awesome for healthy hair!